❗PTA Pancake Flip - Tuesday 4th March ❗Swimming this term is for years 1, 2 & 3 and selected Y6s. Last session is on 26th March ❗ Owls Class are doing Forest School this term ❗ Parents Evening is on 20th and 21st March - Please email the office to book a slot ❗

Equality Duty

Each school has to publish information showing it is complying with the requirement (section 149 of the Equality Act 2010) to have due regard for equalities. On the basis of this information each school also has to set itself at least one equality objective.
There are 70 pupils within the school:
  Number of children Girls Boys
REC 15 8 7
Year 1 10 5 5
Year 2 6 2 4
Year 3 10 6 4
Year 4 9 2 7
Year 5 13 4 9
Year 6 7 4 3
Currently, the ethnic breakdown of the school is White British, White European and white Asian.
The school has data on its composition broken down by types of impairment and special educational need. We do have pupils with ECHP's. Data protection means we cannot give any further detail. The building is equipped to meet the needs of children with Physical Disabilities
The school has data on inequalities of outcome and participation connected with gender and disability. The school analysis all data by gender and where appropriate, disability. However, because of the small numbers of pupils involved, we cannot publish this information. Please contact the school to find out more.
The school uses data on inequalities of outcome and involvement when setting itself objectives for achievable and measurable improvements.
Equality issues are part of every Governing Body agenda and discussed as necessary. This is shown in the minutes of the meetings.
  • Our school includes an equality target in the School Improvement Plan every year. This is monitored by the Teaching & Learning Committee.
  • All school policies are scrutinised for equality issues.
  • A group of three governors work with the headteacher termly to monitor and update equality issues. They have the watching brief for equality matters.
  • The headteacher has the special responsibility for equality issues All interviewing panels have at least one member who has been trained under the “Safer Recruitment” procedures. There are clear procedures for dealing with prejudice-related bullying and incidents. These are detailed in our Anti Bullying Policy.
  • Surveys show that most pupils feel safe from all kinds of bullying. All pupils feel they have an adult they can go to. They feel that any incidents of bullying are dealt with effectively.
Our curriculum is based upon statutory legislation, but the needs of the children at Cromford Church of England Primary School are paramount. Provision is made for any group/individual as appropriate. Equality issues are covered in subject areas such as PHSCE, but also in day to day discussion. They are particularly relevant in promoting mutual understanding.
We are involved in many activities that promote that promote pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. We are heavily involved in “Celebrating Cromford” and the village Christmas market. We also join members of the community at the Remembrance Day commemorations, writing and performing prayers. We also involve ourselves in “Children in Need”, McMillan Coffee Afternoons, and Red Nose Day.
Our curriculum materials reflect positive images of disabled people; of both women and men in non-stereotypical gender roles; and of people from a wide range of ethnic, religious and cultural backgrounds. Consideration is given to these images when new resources are published.