❗ Half Term 17th - 21st Feb - Children return to school 24th Feb ❗ Swimming - Lasts session is 12th Feb. Swimming after half term is for Y1, 2 & 3 ❗ Forest school after half term is for Owls Class ❗

Welome to the PTA

The Cromford School Association is a voluntary committee made up of parents and carers of the children that attend Cromford School.

The main function of the group is to run events and activities within the community to raise funds for the school. All proceeds made by the Cromford School Association go directly towards buying new equipment for school and rewarding pupils when appropriate. All Children who attend Cromford School benefit in some way from the monies raised.

Some of the equipment, activities and benefits the C.S.A are responsible for are:

  • Christmas and Summer Fayre
  • Uniform- arrange supplier and take orders if required
  • New Books and musical instruments
  • Purchase of Interactive White board, Wide screen T.V , T.V and D.V.D combo
  • Christmas and Yr 7 leavers gift
  • Discos
  • Magic show, fashion show, beetle drive, race night, auction
  • Coach payment for trips out E.g. Cadbury world, Christmas pantomime
  • 150 club organisation
  • African drumming and mask making day
  • Playground markings
  • Film Night
  • Junk for Funk workshop

The current committee have raised approximately £6000 in the last 5 years!!!!

We have committee meetings about once a term and an annual General Meeting every September. All parents/carers are very welcome to attend.

If you would like to be involved more with the fund raising efforts of the Cromford School Association please speak to one of the existing committee members, whose names are displayed on the notice board in the yard.