❗PTA Pancake Flip - Tuesday 4th March ❗Swimming this term is for years 1, 2 & 3 and selected Y6s. Last session is on 26th March ❗ Owls Class are doing Forest School this term ❗ Parents Evening is on 20th and 21st March - Please email the office to book a slot ❗

Meet the Staff

Meet the Cromford Church of England Primary School Staff
Headteacher     Mr I Wilson
Teaching Staff 
Mrs H Quick (Reception and Year 1) 
Miss E Marshall (Years 2 and 3), (including Safeguarding) 
Mrs H Beaumont (Years 4, 5 and 6), Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday afternoons 
Mr Wilson (Year 4, 5 and 6), Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday mornings and all day on a Wednesday
High Level Teaching Assistants
Mrs J Smedley
Mrs L Taylor
Specialist Teaching and Learning Assistants
Mrs J Fearn
Mrs E Holt
Teaching and Learning Assistant
Mrs K Hutton
SENCO Mr Wilson
School Business Officer   Mrs C Toone
School Caretaker/Cleaner   Mr T Lofts
Midday Supervisors
Mrs K Brook
Mrs H Greatorex
Mrs D Drain
Breakfast/After School Club Assistant Mrs K Brook
After School Coordinator Mrs C Toone
Clerk to Governors Mrs J Lofts
 There are no staff in school whereby the salary exceeds £100,000.