❗PTA Pancake Flip - Tuesday 4th March ❗Swimming this term is for years 1, 2 & 3 and selected Y6s. Last session is on 26th March ❗ Owls Class are doing Forest School this term ❗ Parents Evening is on 20th and 21st March - Please email the office to book a slot ❗

Learning at Home

Dear Parents/Carers,

If you are reading this it is probably because your child or someone in your family has been asked to stay at home and your family is required to isolate for a few days. We can’t wait to have your child back in class where we are all busy learning but as they are stuck at home at the moment, we have sorted a few things out to keep them busy.

If your child is off school for more than a few days, we will be in touch with you to talk about how we can make sure they keep learning. But for now, see how many of the activities your child can complete from the suggestions below. Make sure you share with us at school.

Online Learning Resources for Children to Access

Reading - The most important work that all children can do at home is plenty of reading. We tried to ensure that every child came home with at least two reading books. 

Also children can access reading books via Oxford Owl. Your child will be given a class login to access the site and there is a link in the CHILDREN section on their class page.

For a selection of books to read for pleasure or for research try this website MyOn eLibrary

Phonics and Spelling – Phonics Play website is usually a subscription based and is a firm favourite with Robins and Owls. They have a huge range of fun phonics games for all levels in the Early years and KS1. It is currently free using the Username - march20  Password - Home. A link is also available in the CHILDREN section on the class pages. The site also contains lots of useful information for parents about reading, phonics and maths.

Children in Years 1-6 can also access the Spelling Shed website. All children have been provided with a login but if children have forgotten or lost their login details, please email school for details. information. 

Maths – Children in Years 1-6 have access to Times Table Rockstars and Numbots. They each have a login and password and can play games relating to their times tables and number facts. Also, the website Topmarks (which contains Hit-the-button and other games) is useful to help improve number fact recall.

The BBC bitesize pages contain some excellent learning materials for each subject from Year 1 -6. 

Purple Mash  contains a host of educational activities and games which children can engage in. Teachers will be setting work in the 2Do section for children to complete. Reception can access the Mini-Mash area which has activities tailored for Reception children. Purple Mash is accessed by clicking on the image found on the class pages, from here, children will need to enter their login details. If children do not know their login details, please email school for details. 

Twinkl – is the ‘go to’ for teachers. They have kindly opened the doors to all for the duration of school closure and have given a code *UPDATED*PARENTSTWINKLEHELPSto access everything free for a month in the event of school closure. Pack are also available to download from the class pages.

Classroom Secrets - includes video tutorials and free downloadable home learning packs. On the class pages there is also a link to the Classroom Secrets for Kids which interactive games.

 Educational resources

The e-Bug project is led by Public Health England and has a dedicated webpage for learning resources on hand washing and respiratory hygiene. https://campaignresources.phe.gov.uk/schools


Ideas for physical exercise at home

We all know the many benefits of physical activity and during these unprecedented and stressful times these benefits are multiplied many fold, physically, emotionally and mentally. These are sites we use in school.

Cosmic Kids Fantastic fun yoga stories for children. Will keep them entertained when they need down time!

BBC Supermovers We have had SUCH FUN with the super movers in every class. The children love joining in with the moves and hardly notice that they are learning at the same time.

The Body Coach TV – Fitness coach, Joe Wicks has a series of 5 minute YouTube workouts for primary aged children. Robins have been doing these along with Betsy, a five-year-old – they are certainly a challenge but do leave you energized!

On social media physical challenges will be provide by the School Sports Premium teams follow them on - https://twitter.com/RuralDerbysSSP, https://www.facebook.com/RuralDerbyshireSSP/


Internet Safety

Always remember to monitor your children when using the internet. Whilst these links are all checked there are some websites which aren’t as lovely.

We hope that you have found this list of activities useful. If you find any additional sites which others might enjoy please let us know so that we can continue to support ICT learning and fun at home with regularly updated lists.


Watch this short video clip to find out more about Purplemash and the Parent Portal   If you require a parent code to register for the Parent Portal please check your child's login card and if it's not displayed email Mrs Quick: hquick3@cromford.derbyshire.sch.uk