❗PTA Pancake Flip - Tuesday 4th March ❗Swimming this term is for years 1, 2 & 3 and selected Y6s. Last session is on 26th March ❗ Owls Class are doing Forest School this term ❗ Parents Evening is on 20th and 21st March - Please email the office to book a slot ❗

Pupil Premium and Free School Meals

What is Pupil Premium?


The pupil premium grant is funding to improve educational outcomes for disadvantaged pupils in state-funded schools in England.

The grant also provides support for children and young people with parents in the regular armed forces, referred to as service pupil premium (SPP). This has been combined into pupil premium payments to make it easier for schools to manage their spending. Pupils that the SPP intends to support are not necessarily from financially disadvantaged backgrounds.

More information on pupil premium and the grant amounts can be found on the Gov.uk website.

Our Pupil Premium Strategy statements can be found below.


Free School Meals


If you think your child may be entitled to this additional funding please navigate to the Derbyshire County Council website here where you'll be able to check your eligibility and apply.