❗ Half Term 17th - 21st Feb - Children return to school 24th Feb ❗ Swimming - Lasts session is 12th Feb. Swimming after half term is for Y1, 2 & 3 ❗ Forest school after half term is for Owls Class ❗

Vision and Aims

Cromford Church of England Primary School
Learn, aspire and achieve in a caring Christian environment
We are a creative, caring, Church of England Primary School that provides an all-round education of the highest quality for each and every child. In partnership with families, we nurture self-belief and inspire a love for learning, encouraging all to become successful, able and responsible members of the community.
  • To provide a happy, caring and secure environment for everyone.
  • To treat all children as unique individuals.
  • To encourage everyone to be respectful of others and the environment.
  • To support children’s personal, social and emotional development.
  • To work in partnership with families and the wider community to provide an education of the highest quality within the context of Christian values.
  • To provide a vibrant and exciting learning experience, that will equip all children with the skills necessary for their future.
  • To develop each child’s spiritual awareness, understanding of Christian beliefs and respect for those with others faiths and none.
  • To foster an understanding and enthusiasm of the heritage of our village and the place of our school within it.