❗PTA Pancake Flip - Tuesday 4th March ❗Swimming this term is for years 1, 2 & 3 and selected Y6s. Last session is on 26th March ❗ Owls Class are doing Forest School this term ❗ Parents Evening is on 20th and 21st March - Please email the office to book a slot ❗

Starting School in September 2025

Welcome to the New Starters Area

A Big welcome to all of the new parents from the Robins team!


Thank you for choosing us to work alongside you in this exciting new adventure for your child. We do all that we can to ensure that we teach a well balanced curriculum that allows your child to thrive and develop a lifelong love of learning. We are working hard to developing the indoor and outdoor learning environments to create a provision that inspires children to be independent learners that are happy and willing to take risks. 


Please read the information provided on this page to find out more about what to expect during this milestone year. If you have any questions at all please do not hesitate to ask and I will do my best to help you. You can contact me at: hquick3@cromford.derbyshire.co.uk


 I will be adding more information to this page so please keep checking back every now and then. 


 I look forward to meeting you all soon


Mrs Quick

Robins Class Teacher

Starting School Checklist
  • Order school uniform and PE kit
  • Check everything is clearly and securely labelled
  • Complete Pupil Premium Funding form, if eligible
  • Be on time everyday. Schools starts at 8.45 am (doors are opened at 8.35 am), and finishes at 3.15 pm.
  • Always let us know if someone different will be collecting your child.
  • If your child is absent due to illness, contact the school office by 10am.
  • Contact the school office if you wish to use the Breakfast or After school club.
  • Send your children to school with a named water bottle each day.
  • Encourage your child to be independent with eating, dressing and using the toilet.
  • Return admission forms by 31st August 2024

Additional Information


What skills does my child need before starting school?

During the summer, it would be helpful to focus on the practical skills, such as dressing and undressing, using the toilet independently and recognising their name, rather than the more formal skills. Our ‘Am I ready for School?’ document will give you some further information. This document is on the New Starter page of the school website.

https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/collections/starting-primary-school/1 -  Starting Primary School


Do I need to purchase a school uniform?

Although you can purchase all your child’s uniform from the – skirts, trousers, shirts without any logo are also available to buy at supermarkets. Please ensure that clothing and shoes are labelled to minimise the amount of time spent searching for and returning ‘lost’ items.

www.mynametags.com   With My Nametags combination set, you have labels for everything. The sticker name tags are perfect for labelling clothes, bags, bottles and glasses cases.


What about PE kit?

We will be having a regular PE session  on a Monday. Your child’s PE kit can be kept in school in a clearly named bags comprising of: shorts, t-shirt, pump (no laces unless they can tie them independently)

Please make sure your child knows what is in their bags and practises taking the items on and off.


What ‘house’ will my child be allocated to?

As part of our reward system across the whole school, children are allocated to a ‘house’, where they can earn points for their team. Any siblings will automatically be allocated to the same house as their brother or sister. The houses are as follows:

Willersley - Green        Riber - Red          Chatsworth – Blue


What about outdoor learning?

Once the weather becomes more unsettled, we ask that parents provide a pair of wellington boots and waterproof clothing that can be kept in school for outside learning.


What happens if my child has an accident?

There is always a qualified Paediatric First Aider working within the Robins team and they will assess and treat children with regards to minor first aid incidents. All incidents are recorded in our class First aid book and will be shared with you at the end of the day.

You may be contacted if the First Aider feels the injury requires further assessment or treatment. Please be rest assured, that should an incident require further urgent medical assistance, then the school will follow our normal procedure in calling the emergency services. Parents will be notified and asked to attend school.


What if my child has trouble settling in?

One of the hardest things is leaving your child when they are upset, however, we would encourage parents to remove themselves from the situation as quickly as possible. Although we do appreciate that this may be difficult, we usually find that the children settle far quicker, becoming involved in activities with staff and the other children. The school will call you once they are able to, to reassure you that your child has settled. If your child continues to struggle to settle, staff will discuss other strategies which can be used to help your child adjust.


What if my child still has accidents?

Some Reception children may be less than reliable at using the toilet and even children who’ve been toilet trained for years can slip up. Staff will be used to dealing with accidents, but it is useful to have some spare pairs of underwear, socks or tights in a bag.


Do I need to provide a snack?

Your child will be provided with a small piece of fruit daily through the National Fruit Scheme (starting date to be confirmed) and children under 5 will also receive free milk. Children over five will be able to pay for milk termly. There is also access to water so children are asked to bring in a named water bottle, which will remain in school.


What happens at lunchtime?

The children will be required to eat their meals or packed lunch in the classroom. Derbyshire County Council provide the school meals and their menu can be found here. It's useful to have a look at this with your child so they have an idea of what is available.

Derbyshire County Council will also cater for food allergies and intolerances. Please make us aware of any on the admission form so we can make the necessary arrangements before your child starts school in September.


How can I support my child’s learning?

Each Monday, your child will bring home their home learning book. This is to inform parents of the key skills we have been looking at during the week and some suggestions for activities you may like to do at home to support your child’s learning, such as shape hunts, phonics and tricky sounds learned during the week, letter formation and outdoor activities. It is always lovely to see what the children have done at home so you are welcome to use this book to record some of the children’s work through their drawings, writing and photographs but this is optional.


When are reading books sent home and changed?

During the Autumn term, your child will also start to bring home a reading book. They will receive a book on Monday and will be expected to return it on Friday. Regular reading at home is crucial. It is important to listen to children read and ask them about texts in order to develop comprehension skills. Sharing books is just as important as listening to a child read; this promotes a love of reading and shows the people around them as readers too. Alongside their school reading book, children should be encouraged to read other texts such as a library book, a magazine or a book on the kindle. Any reading at home can be recorded in the child’s reading record.


How do I contact you if I have a question or worry?

If you need to speak to Mrs Quick or Mrs Holt, small queries may be dealt with by having a quick word in the playground or writing a note in your child’s reading diary, while for bigger concerns, you may need to email Mrs Quick or call the office to arrange a meeting. But whatever the issue, please contact us.